SRPC Covid-19 Safety Plan

Measures to Prevent the Spread of Covid-19 at Shuswap Rowing and Paddling Club

Only members with completed forms and waiver, and submitted fees, will be allowed access to the compound and equipment.

Four main points: Hygiene, Physical Distancing, Group Size, and Documentation.


Stay Home if you have any symptoms that could be Covid-19 symptoms: new or worsening cough, stuffy or runny nose, sore throat or painful swallowing, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, nausea and/or vomiting and/or diarrhea, loss of appetite, loss of smell, muscle aches, fatigue, headache.

ALSO Stay Home if you have travelled outside Canada (especially the USA) within the last 14 days, been in close contact with someone known to have Covid 19, or someone with the above symptoms in the last 14 days,  and stay home if you have been told to self isolate in accordance with public health orders.


Practice good hygiene before, during and after rowing/paddling: wash hands, avoid touching your face, cover coughs/sneezes.

No handshaking or hugs.

Wash equipment (locks, gates, door handles, sign in desk, oars and paddles) with soap and water or disinfectant spray.  A spray bottle with isopropyl alcohol is located at the front of the rowing bay.

Masks must be supplied and worn by members if physical distancing cannot be maintained.

No toilet will be available.

Physical Distancing:

One person at a time in the storage shed, preferably have only one person enter for the log book.  Avoid using the shed, bring your own pfd if possible.  Club pfd’s may be assigned to individuals.

Single rowing shells only, or “household” doubles or quads.  This means crew boats can only be filled with people from the same household.

There are currently three singles available (two racing boats and one training shell) and three doubles (two racing boats and the coastal double).

The club has two OC2’s, and an OC4 that could be used by a household crew.

Please see Amendment #1 for phase 3 reopening for sports.  Be aware that phases can move “backwards” if the pandemic situation worsens

Group Size:

Gatherings of 10 or fewer people.  The compound is somewhat separated for OC and Rowing, and schedules are shifted so there is less overlap.

Avoid social congregations.  Come to the facility ready to row (no change facilities are offered)


The log book MUST be filled in.  This is for your safety on the water and also for contact tracing in case anyone becomes sick with Covid-19.  Required: Name, Date, Time, Discipline, Course


As always, each boat must have lifejackets, a whistle, and baler. Row/paddle close to shore and follow the flow pattern.  As always, do not row/paddle alone, use the buddy system.

Be aware of national and local daily situation reports (Health Canada, Provincial Health)

Scheduling will not allow for overlap.  You must row at your designated time with your designated group.  Adhere to your scheduled day and time, contact your discipline coordinator at least two days in advance so activities can be set to ensure no overlap.

If you do not have your own equipment e.g. PFD, paddle/oars. The club may assign these items to individuals for the duration of the Covid-19 event.

WAIVER: by signing, the participant accepts the risk of contracting Covid-19 by participating in rowing and paddling activities at the compound.

If you notice any violation on the conditions of this plan please notify your discipline coordinator as soon as possible. Non-compliance with these measures will result in a revocation of rowing/paddling privileges.

This Covid-19 safety plan is subject to change as restrictions change.

At all times be patient, show curtesy and look out for one another.

Amendment 1. Phase 3 reopening “Training Groups” This is only in effect when approved by the PHO.

This lifting of some restrictions allows for up to 5 or 10 people in a “training group” to train together in one boat, or to switch between smaller boats and partners within the same group.  The PHO and viaSport will determine when and if a training group is allowed, and whether the training group will be limited to 5 or 10 persons. 

For our club it may mean we are no longer restricted to household doubles or OC2, and could row the eight oared shell, the OC6, or dragon boat (with 10 only plus a coach that is always 2m separated).

There are a number of parameters that must be met to establish a training group.


  1. In our paddling sports, participants in larger boats are considered in constant contact within the 2m distance (rowers are actually about 1.2m apart).  As such, one way to reduce risk of spreading Covid-19 is to establish training groups with only 10 people who will ever be in constant contact.  The provision is only for the “field-of-play,” which in our case is while we are seated in the boat.  At all other times (at the boathouse, dryland training, cleaning, carrying the boat) participants must adhere to the 2m separation rule. If participants can not maintain a 2m spacing while carrying or moving a boat, they must wear masks even if they are in the same training group.   Again, this is about minimizing contact.
  2. Athletes may be in multiple sport cohorts (e.g. also playing basketball) without affecting their rowing training group; however, there must be immediate communication between sports groups if someone is infected.
  3. It is stressed that this is NOT a return to normal.  If someone wants to stop being in one training group and join another, they must abide by a two week cool-down period.  All the other protocol for hygiene, international travel, staying home when sick etc. all still apply from our Covid-19 safety plan.
  4. Joining a training group is optional.  Members can continue to row/paddle in singles or household (bubble) doubles/OC2.  People in a training group must be told and acknowledge that there is a higher risk of infection.  We might consider an addendum to the waiver for those wanting to be in a training group.
  5. Clubs must be prepared to go backwards, even to complete lockdown, if things get worse. Members must be aware that as a member of a training group, they may be asked to self-isolate if someone in the group has a positive test for Covid-19.
  6. Wearing a mask within the field-of-play (while seated in the boat) is optional, but our club could make it mandatory if desired.  This might enhance the feeling of safety for some participants.
  7. Members can only participate in one rowing and paddling club.
  8. Travel for sport is not allowed
  9. There are currently (May 2021) no provisions for partially or fully vaccinated individuals to have larger groups or more mobility within the sport.

Amendment 2. Phase 3 reopening as per May 25, 2021 Provincial Health Orders

All measures listed in the SRPC Covid Safety Plan and in Amendment 1 remain in force with the following exceptions:

  1. Paddling and Rowing may resume in all boat classes / sizes for members within the same club.
  2. Masks are optional within the “field of play”. For our sports this means when we are in the boat.  For rowers it also means when the boat is being carried to the water.  Masks are mandatory at all other times at the sport facility.
  3. Guests from other clubs are not permitted – sport activities must remain local.
  4. No spectators
  5. Gathering size (outdoors) limited to maximum 50 people.

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